The provisions of this ordinance are hereby adopted and shall be known as the Manufactured Housing Code of the City of Andover, Kansas.  The provisions of this ordinance shall supersede and cancel any and all prior regulations adopted by the City of Andover with regard to the subject matter contained herein.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

As used herein:

Accessory building means any building or structure, or portion thereof, located on the same property as a manufactured home which building or structure does not qualify as a manufactured home as defined herein.

Code enforcement officer means the inspector or authorized representative charged with the administration and enforcement of this code.  The terms “building official” and “inspector” of the City of Andover Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement are synonymous. 

Design professional means a registered and licensed professional engineer or architect of the State of Kansas.

Ground anchor means any device designed to secure a manufactured home or mobile home to the ground.

Manufactured home means a dwelling unit built on or after June 15, 1976, which is fabricated in one or more sections at a location other than the home site by assembly line-type production techniques or by other construction methods unique to an off-site manufacturing process.  Every section shall bear a label certifying that it is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards generally known as the HUD code established pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 5403.  A manufactured is designed to be towed on its’ own chassis or be site delivered by alternative means.  A manufactured home shall be transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight (8) body feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site is three hundred twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems contained therein.  The term “manufactured home” does not include a recreational vehicle.

Mobile home means a movable, detached single-family dwelling unit that was manufactured prior to June 15, 1976 and is not in conformance with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act, or HUD code, as is now required for a dwelling unit and shall be connected to utilities in conformance with all applicable regulations.  The term “mobile home” does not include a recreational vehicle.

Modular home means a structure consisting of one or more components manufactured off-site in conformance with the standards of the current one and two-family dwelling code of the City of Andover, Kansas, and related to technical codes, and that is moved to the construction site for final assembly as a dwelling unit, and is placed on a permanent foundation as required for a permanent structure.

Occupy, occupancy or occupied means the use of any mobile home, manufactured home or recreational vehicle by any person for living, sleeping, cooking or eating purposes.

Operator means the person or business that has charge, care or control of a licensed or unlicensed manufactured home community, nonconforming or nonstandard manufactured or mobile home community, park, or camp or portion thereof, and/or the person or business that holds the license for a manufactured home community, a nonconforming or nonstandard mobile home park or camp.

Park means manufactured home community or nonconforming or nonstandard mobile home park.

Person means any individual, firm, trust, partnership, association or corporation.

Pier means one of the structural supports, required to support designed loads imposed upon mobile homes or a manufactured home which is not secured to the ground on a permanent foundation.

Recreational vehicle means a unit designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use that has a body width not exceeding eight feet and a body length not exceeding 40 feet.  Units may have their own power, or be designed to be drawn or mounted on an automotive vehicle.  Recreational vehicle shall include motor homes, travel trailers, truck campers, camping trailers, converted buses, house boats or other similar units as determined by the Building Official.  A recreational vehicle may or may not include individual toilet and bath.

Residential-design manufactured home means a manufactured home on a permanent foundation which has minimum dimensions of twenty-two (22) body feet in width, a pitched roof, and siding and roofing materials which are customarily used on site-built homes, and complies with the architectural and aesthetic standards specified in the Zoning Regulations of the City of Andover.  A residential-design manufactured home shall be considered a single-family dwelling.

Roadway means any private street located within a community, park or camp and providing for general vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the community, park or camp.

Roof protector means a device designed to prevent over-the-top tie downs from damaging or penetrating the roof material.

Tie down means any device designed for the purpose of anchoring a manufactured home to ground anchors.

Nothing hereunder shall pertain to “job trailers,” “construction trailers,” “portable classrooms,” or “portable offices.”

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

A manufactured home installation permit shall be obtained from the City of Andover for every manufactured home which is installed or relocated within the City.  The purpose of such manufactured home installation permit is to assure that manufactured homes are anchored and placed on footings and foundations and skirted, and that such manufactured homes are appropriately skirted with an approved fire-resistive material.  Manufactured home installation permits shall be obtained prior to installation of any manufactured home within the City of Andover.

Permits and inspections for any building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, or construction work other than manufactured home anchorage, footings and foundations, or skirting, as outlined above, shall be obtained as required by the building, electrical plumbing, mechanical, and health codes as currently adopted by the City of Andover.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

All construction work for which a manufactured home installation permit is required shall be subject to inspection by Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement.  A survey of the lot may be required by the Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement to verify that the structure is located in accordance with the approved plans.

It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to be accessible and exposed for inspection purposes.  Neither the Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement nor the City shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection.

It shall be the duty of the person doing the work authorized by a manufactured home installation permit to notify the Building Official that such work is ready for inspection.  The Building Official may require that every request for inspection be filed at least one working day prior to when such inspection is desired.  Such request may be in writing or by telephone at the option of the Building Official. 

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

The manufactured home shall not be occupied prior to obtaining temporary final inspection approval by the Office of Code Enforcement of the following:

(a)   Footings and setbacks, if required, before concrete is placed.

(b)   Stem wall, if required, before concrete is placed.

(c)   Blocking pursuant to K.S.A. 75-1231 et. seq.

(d)   Tie down pursuant to K.S.A. 75-1221 through K.S.A. 75-1230 et. seq.

(e)   Electrical service connection.

(f)   Fuel gas connection.

(g)   Handrails and outside stairs, at each exit.

(h)   Electrical or gas meters shall not be released to the utility company until the home is properly addressed, blocked and tied down.

When the inspections set forth above have been approved by the Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement, a temporary occupancy certificate will be issued.  The manufactured home shall not be skirted before the temporary final inspection.

It shall be in violation of this article to occupy a manufactured home until required inspections have been completed and approved.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

All manufactured homes installed in the City of Andover shall be placed only in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Regulations of the City of Andover.

All manufactured homes installed in the City of Andover shall conform with the following standards:

(a)   The manufactured home shall be placed on a permanent enclosed perimeter foundation, or be skirted around the perimeter of the home, within thirty (30) days of the placement of the home, by solid concrete or masonry walls or a material designed to be used as manufactured home skirting that does not have a flame spread rating in excess of twenty-five (25).  Vinyl skirting shall be a minimum of thirty (30) mil thickness and metal skirting shall have vertical metal supports of at least twenty (20) gauge thickness spaced not more than five (5) feet on centers.  All skirting over twenty-six (26) inches in height shall be supported with vertical supports spaced not more than three (3) feet on centers, and a horizontal support centered between the ground and the bottom of the manufactured home of at least twenty (20) gauge metal.  Metal and vinyl skirting shall be fastened with screws, or by other means, to manufacturers’ specifications.

(b)   The manufactured home shall be provided with handrails and guardrails on all outside stairs that are 30” (inches) or more above grade to finished floor deck elevation.  Outside stairs shall be constructed to the standards of the current one and two-family dwelling code of the City of Andover.

(c)   The manufactured home shall have stairs, porches and handrails constructed so as to be structurally sound and which shall comply with the standards of the current one and two-family dwelling code of the City of Andover.  Wooden stairs, porches and handrails that are subject to weather shall be constructed with either wood of natural resistance to decay and/or termites or with treated wood.  Field treatment of lumber is not acceptable.

(d)   A manufactured home shall be limited to use as a single dwelling unit.

(e)   Accessory building shall be classified as to occupancy by the building official as set forth in the current one and two-family dwelling code of the City of Andover.

(f)   Manufacturers’ installation instructions are the minimum standards for the installation of the manufactured home.

(g)   The manufactured home shall meet the appropriate section of currently adopted codes of the City of Andover, i.e., commercial building, one and two-family dwelling, plumbing, mechanical, electrical and zoning codes.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

(a)   Manufactured homes which are in existence at the time of the adoption of this resolution may have their existing use or occupancy continued if such use or occupancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this resolution, provided that such use or occupancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this resolution, provided that such continued use is not dangerous to life, health and safety.

(b)   The use or occupancy of any existing manufactured home shall not be changed unless evidence satisfactory to the Building Official is provided to show compliance with all applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations of the City of Andover.  Upon any change in use or occupancy, the manufactured home shall cease to be classified as such within the intent of this Section

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

(a)   Homes placed in manufactured home communities shall have a main disconnect and shall be a main breaker only.  Homes placed in areas other than manufactured home communities shall have a main breaker and room for a minimum of two single pole breakers.  The minimum size electrical service shall be 100 amps.  Disconnect means shall be within thirty (30) feet of the home.  Fusible disconnects are not acceptable.  The size of the electrical service shall be determined by the nameplate on the home or in compliance with the current City of Andover electrical code.  All electrical work shall be completed by a licensed electrical contractor.

(b)   Manufactured Home Service Equipment.  The manufactured home service equipment shall not be permitted to be installed in or on a manufactured home. 

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

(a)   Gas piping shall not be installed underground beneath buildings or that portion of the manufactured or mobile homes, manufactured or mobile home accessory buildings or structures, concrete slabs or automobile parking, unless installed in a gas tight conduit.

(b)   For each individual manufactured home there shall be a gas stop cock and an approved flexible outdoor connector.  Maximum length of flexible connector shall be six (6) feet.

(c)   Approved gas piping shall extend laterally out from under the home a minimum of six (6) inches.  No flex connectors shall be allowed under the home. 

(d)   All gas piping work shall be completed by a licensed plumbing contractor or a licensed LP installer.

(e)   In addition, the provisions of the currently adopted City of Andover plumbing code shall apply to fuel gas piping installed to a manufactured home.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

(a)   Alterations and additions to manufactured homes or mobile homes which are affected by provisions contained in this chapter, within or to a park and facilities, shall be made only after application to the Building Official and then only in conformity with all of the sections of this code, and currently adopted one and two-family dwelling codes of the City of Andover.

(b)   No permanent additions shall be made to a manufactured home or mobile home, including any non-conforming units, unless the manufactured home or mobile home is on a permanent foundation and all applicable building permits have been obtained.  Such additions shall comply with the current one and two-family dwelling code of the City of Andover.  No single wide or double wide manufactured home or mobile home shall be combined with or attached to another manufactured home or mobile home unless such manufactured home or mobile home units are specifically constructed to HUD codes to be so combined.

(c)   Accessory buildings shall not be structurally supported by or attached to a manufactured home or mobile home unless engineering calculations are submitted to substantiate any proposed structural connections.

(d)   Such additions may themselves be a certified manufactured home unit or they may be site built.  When additions are site built, they must be structurally separated from the existing manufactured home or mobile home unless engineering calculations are provided to show that the existing manufactured home can safely sustain additional vertical and horizontal loads.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

Every new or relocated manufactured home installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall be anchored in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions complying with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act and any regulations promulgated thereunder.  It shall be the responsibility of the manufactured home owner or licensed manufactured home installer to demonstrate compliance with this anchoring requirement, and in the event the owner or licensed manufactured home installer is unable to do so, the manufactured home shall be anchored in the following manner:

(a)   Ground anchors shall be attached both to the frame and to straps or cables that pass from one side over the top and down the opposite side.

(b)   Ground anchors shall be clearly marked with identification as required by K.S.A. 75-1228, and as noted on approved certificates issued by the Director of the Architectural Services Division of the State Department of Administration.

(c)   Each ground anchor shall be capable of withstanding a vertical pull force of four thousand seven hundred fifty (4,750) pounds in place.

(d)   The number of anchors required shall be: Three on each lengthwise side for manufactured homes not less than thirty-six (36) feet nor more than fifty (50) feet in length; four (4) on each lengthwise side for manufactured homes more than fifty (50) feet but not more than seventy (70) feet in length; and five (5) on each lengthwise side for manufactured homes more than seventy (70) feet in length.  Anchors shall be spaced such that each anchor will resist approximately the same force as the others.

(e)   Strap or cable tie-downs used to connect the manufactured home to its anchors shall be of a type that is marked with identification as required by K.S.A. 75-1228, and as noted on an approved certificate issued by the Director of Architectural Services Division of the State Department of Administration.

(f)   Corner roof protectors shall be used with over-the-top cables or straps which are not factory installed with the manufactured home.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

Every new or relocated manufactured home installed after the effective date of this ordinance shall have a support system in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instructions complying with the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act and any regulations promulgated thereunder.  It shall be the responsibility of the manufactured home owner or licensed manufactured home installer to demonstrate compliance with this requirement and in the event the owner or licensed manufactured home installer is unable to do so, the manufactured home shall be mounted on masonry piers in the following manner:

(a)   Blocking footings for piers shall be installed directly under the main frame or chassis of the manufactured home.  Blocking footings shall be placed on stable, undisturbed soil from which grass or organic material has been removed, or in controlled fill free of organic materials compacted to a minimum load-bearing capacity of one thousand (1000) pounds per square foot.  Prior to installation, homes placed on fill shall have a soil analysis to determine whether fill will carry the minimum load-bearing capacity.  Soil analysis shall be done by a state licensed soil engineer or person of equal qualifications.  A copy of the soil analysis shall be filed with the Department of Building Inspection and Code Enforcement and attached to the permit.  Blocking footings shall consist of no less than two (2) four (4)-inch thick by eight (8)-inch wide by sixteen (16)-inch long solid concrete blocks with the long dimensions of each block parallel with the steel I-Beam frame.  Blocking footings shall have a minimum load-bearing capacity of two thousand (2000) pounds per square foot.  Alternate footing materials or designs which have been engineered and tested by an approved testing agency may be authorized by the Building Official.

(b)   Piers less than thirty (30) inches in height, measured from the top of the blocking footing to the bottom of the I-Beam, shall be constructed of either open cell or solid concrete blocks each of which shall be eight (8) inches wide, eight (8) inches high, and sixteen (16) inches long.  Open cell blocks shall be installed with the open cells aligned vertically.  A solid wood or concrete cap plate of at least one (1) inch nominal thickness and not greater than four (4) inches nominal thickness, eight (8) inches nominal width and sixteen (16) inches long shall be placed on the top of each pier, with weatherproof shims when needed, fitted and driven tightly between the wood or concrete cap plate and the main frame I-Beam.  Such shims shall not exceed one (1) inch in nominal thickness and shall be at least four (4) inches nominal width and six (6) inches long.  Piers shall be installed perpendicular to the I-Beam.  Piers shall not be spaced further apart than ten (10) feet on centers.  The main frame shall not extend further than one (1) foot beyond the center line of the end of the piers.  Piers shall be spaced so as to not be located directly under the axle mounting(s).

(c)   For any pier over thirty (30) inches in height, measured from the top of the blockings footing to the bottom of the I-Beam, the pier shall be double-tiered with blocks interlocked and capped with solid concrete block.  The cap plate shall consist of one (1) four(4)-inch thick by sixteen (16)-inch wide by sixteen (16)-inch long solid concrete block or two (2) four (4)-inch thick by eight (8)-inch wide by sixteen (16)-inch long solid concrete blocks.  The gap between the cap plate and the main frame may be filled with a piece of solid wood at least one (1) inch in nominal thickness but not greater than two (2) inches nominal thickness, eight (8) inches nominal width and sixteen (16) inches long, centered under the I-Beam.  The solid concrete cap or solid wood piece shall be installed with weather-proof shims, as needed, fitted and driven tightly between the wood or concrete cap plate and the main frame I-Beam.  Such shims shall not exceed one (1) inch in nominal thickness and shall be at least four (4) inches nominal width and six (6) inches in length.

(d)   Pier blocking shall not exceed forty-eight (48) inches in height, unless designed and sealed by a design professional.

(e)   Substitute footing and pier blocking materials may be approved by the Building Official if approved by and installed as required by K.S.A. 75-1231.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

The City of Andover Board of Appeals is designated to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of the Manufactured Housing Code.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

Nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit or forbid the City of Andover or any other person from pursuing any other remedies available at law or in equity to enforce the provisions of this Article.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 1)

All prior ordinances of the City of Andover, Kansas in conflict with the forgoing are hereby repealed to the extent that such conflicts exist.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 2)

If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance or of the Code is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance and Code.

(Ord. 1391, Sec. 3)