For the purpose of regulating motor vehicular traffic the following portions of the following streets and roadways are hereby designated as school zones.

(a)   On Andover Road from 400 feet south of Aaron Drive southward to the north line of the railroad right-of-way.

(b)   Main Street from the north right-of-way line of Waggoner Street to the south line of the Kansas Turnpike Authority right-of-way.

(c)   On Allison Street from the west line of the Andover Road to 180 feet west of Church Street.

(d)   That portion of Central Avenue from Shay Road to a location one-half (1/2) mile east of Shay Road.

(e)   Shay Road from Central Avenue to Douglas Avenue.

(f)   Douglas Avenue from a point 500 feet west of Shay Road to Yorktown Road.

(g)   On 159th Street from the intersection at Keystone Parkway to a point 1150 feet north and on Keystone Parkway from the intersection at 159th Street to a point 810 feet east.

(h)   On Yorktown Street from the south line of Minneha St. to the north line of YMCA Drive and on YMCA Drive from the east line of Yorktown Street to a point 907.69 feet east of the east line of Yorktown St.

(Ord. 1178; Ord. 1251; Ord. 1349; Ord. 1403; Ord. 1531; Ord. 1688)

As described in the referenced subsections of 18-301, maximum speed limitations for designated school zones shall be in force during such times in which students are normally en route to or from school (as determined by the Chief of Police in coordination with school officials) during the days of the week when school is in session. Enforcement times shall be indicated by visible time posting or flashing yellow light placed at the commencement of such school zones.  It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of 20 miles per hour on any street or public way designated as a school zone during the posted times or when such signal is flashing as hereinabove set forth.

(Ord. 1178; Ord. 1349; Ord. 1403, Ord. 1579; Ord. 1651)

Any person found guilty of the violation of any of the terms of Article 3 may be fined in accordance with the traffic violation schedule adopted by the City of Andover, Kansas.

(Ord. 958)