(a)   The Mayor, at the second regular meeting of the Council in January of each year, shall appoint, by and with the consent of the Council, a City Clerk, a Treasurer, a Municipal Judge, a Chief of Police, a City Attorney, a City Engineer, a City Prosecutor and any other officers deemed necessary, whose offices are hereafter provided by Ordinance. All such officers shall qualify in the manner and shall have and perform the duties required by this and other Ordinances of the City and the applicable laws of Kansas.  Unless otherwise resigned or removed, all existing appointed officers shall continue to hold office until their successors have been appointed and qualified.  Every appointment to office, and the date thereof, shall be entered on the journal of proceedings of the Council.

(b)   All persons appointed to various boards and commissions of the City of Andover, Kansas, by the Mayor with approval of the Council shall meet from time to time as provided by law or policy.  Should a board or commission member fail to attend 50% or more of scheduled meetings within a period of twelve consecutive months, such member shall automatically forfeit his or her membership upon such board or commission and shall be replaced as though he or she had resigned.

(Ord. 791; Ord. 558; C.O. No. 16; Ord. 1126; Code 2011; Ord. 1500; C.O. No. 23)

Any officer may be removed from his/her office, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the entirety of the Governing Body. Any officer may be suspended from his/her office with pay by the mayor.

(C.O. No. 22)

The City Administrator shall be hired by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and shall serve at the pleasure of the Council.  Upon being hired, except when otherwise specifically extended by the governing body in writing, the City Administrator shall have a period of six (6) months within which to establish permanent residency within the City of Andover and shall, at all times thereafter, reside within the city limits.

(Ord. 736; Ord. 1190; Ord. 1732)

The City Administrator shall be the chief administrative and financial officer of the City and shall be responsible to the Mayor and Council for administration of the City affairs.

(Ord. 736)

The same person may hold the office of city clerk and city administrator.

(Ord. 736)

The City Administrator shall exercise responsibilities and duties as prescribed by state statute and City Ordinances and lawfully delegated by the Mayor and/or Council.

(a)   Overall management, direction, and supervision of all departments, agencies and services of the City.

(b)   Supervise, direct and assign the duties of all appointive officers and employees.

(c)   Recommend to governing body the hiring, firing and termination of City employees and appointive officers, including the authority to temporarily suspend such employees for good cause as outlined in the “Code of Municipal Policies,” Chapter 2, Personnel.

(d)   Furnish the general public information on municipal ordinances.

(e)   Prepare and submit the annual budget to the Council.

(f)   Keep the Council fully and timely advised as to the financial condition of the city.

(g)   Exercise general supervision and control over all city purchases and expenditures in accordance with the budget and such policies as may be established by the Council.

(h)   Develop and prepare such planning documents as the governing body shall request.

(i)    Attend all council meetings and be prepared to advise the council on the items for discussion. Attend other meetings as directed by the governing body.

(j)    Cause the agenda to be prepared for the regular council meetings and such other special meetings as may arise.

(k)   Cause to have an annual inventory conducted by all departments of the city.

(l)    Provide information to the City Council and make recommendations to the governing body as deemed necessary for the good and efficient operation of the City and its services.

(m)  Maintain current knowledge of State and Federal grant programs, advising the City Council and Mayor of the same and prepare, submit, and monitor financial grants and applications.

(n)   To issue orders and directives to all city officers and departments as requested by the Council and receive reports and communications through the administrator's office.

(o)   Initiate investigations and conduct inquiries related to citizen complaints concerning the conduct of employees and the quality of municipal services.

(p)   Regularly consult with the Mayor and Council so as to insure continued and open communication on all matters affecting the city.

(q)   Perform such other duties as the Mayor and/or Council may direct.

(Ord. 736)

In accordance with the provisions of City Charter Ordinance Nos. 16 and 23, the Mayor shall appoint, by and with the consent of the Council, a City Treasurer at the second regular meeting of the Council in January of each year or as soon thereafter as is practical.

(K.S.A. 14-201; C.O. No. 16; Ord. 1126, Sec. 1; C.O. No. 23)

The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the City Treasurer shall be those set out within the statutes of the State of Kansas, the ordinances of the City of Andover, and as directed form time to time by the Governing Body.

(K.S.A. 14-201; C.O. No. 16; Ord. 1126, Sec. 2)

The Municipal Judge shall be responsible for the conduct of the Municipal Court of the City of Andover, Kansas and shall be appointed and serve by designation of the Governing Body as established by statute; and shall be responsible for the maintenance of a court docket and such other records of said court as may be prescribed, by motion, of the Governing Body elect from time to time.

(Ord. 254, Sec. 4)

The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council.

(Code 2011)

Under the supervision of the City Administrator, the Chief of Police plans and directs the activities of the Police Department.

(Code 2011)

The Chief of Police is responsible for the enforcement of laws and ordinances and the protection of life and property and is responsible for the development and administration of a complete program of public law enforcement.

(a)   Serve and protect the public through enforcement of all federal, state and local laws and ordinances.

(b)   Plan, direct, inspect, evaluate and exercise general supervision over the personnel of the entire department.

(c)   Prepare work schedules for the department.

(d)   Formulate and enforce departmental rules and regulations.

(e)   Review activities and reports of officers.

(f)   Enforce disciplinary measures when necessary.

(g)   Direct the investigation of major criminal offenses and cooperates with state and federal officials in the apprehension of wanted individuals.

(h)   Prepare budget estimates and controls expenditures of all department funds.

(i)    Schedule training for department personnel.

(j)    Coordinate law enforcement efforts with other federal, state or local public safety agencies.

(k)   Hire and terminate department personnel with confirmation of the city administrator and city council.

(l)    Establish general community relation programs.

(m)  Patrol and issue citations for law violations.

(n)   Other duties as necessary.                              

(Code 2011)

(Repealed by Ord. 791)

The City Attorney shall be responsible for the rendering of legal advice and counsel to the Mayor and City Administrator and to any member of the Governing Body when in session; and shall be responsible for the drafting of various ordinances and resolutions of the City of Andover, Kansas, when required by the direction of a majority of the governing body elect of said city.

(Ord. 254, Sec. 7; Code 2011)

There is hereby established the office of City Prosecutor. The City Prosecutor shall be responsible for the prosecution of all complaints based upon violations of Municipal Ordinances filed within the Municipal Court of the City of Andover, Kansas. The City Prosecutor’s responsibilities shall extend to the prosecution of such offenses both within the Municipal Court and, if appealed, within the District Court of Butler County, Kansas.

(Ord. 1499)

The city will, from time to time, for each separate engineering project, employ an engineer selected by the majority of the Governing Body elect at and for such fees as may mutually be acceptable to said majority of Governing Body elect and the engineer so selected.

(Ord. 254, Sec. 8)

The Deputy City Clerk may be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council.

(Ord. 736; Code 2011)